Nous etions si satures de nous memes a cause de l'absurdite de la situation de deplacement dans laquelle nous vivions tous.
Comment continuer la vie? J'ai des decisions a prendre en ce qui concerne comment "dealer" avec mes emotions.
L'hyper-communication est-elle une bonne chose? Comment continuer des relations aussi intenses par internet? Les premieres tentatives ne me font que pleurer de plus belle, bien sure. C'est a ce demander s'il ne serai pas juste mieux d'arreter et d'arracher le diachilon d'un seul coup.
tu me manques deja
cest trist regarder pour la fenetre e savoir que tu ne peux pas etre la
tu restes dan mon coeur
et on vas parler sur msn
Katie: it's weird being here without you guys... I have no doors to knock on when I feel lonely!
trying to get used to it
^emilie anne^: I feel really weird we all left on the same day. I'm so sorry. Its horribly traumatising. As is leaving you all behind. It's crazy. But I didn't die...
Katie: so no 'ta gueule incidents' then?
^emilie anne^: no, lol, but omg, Im so scared of how much Ill be sad. in Venice, trying to get used to a new lifestyle. Lyon is home to me
Katie: yea, it's amazing how much it feels like home. but I think it's the people that make the home. you'll have new people. to be your home.
^emilie anne^: Im just wondering if this can be like my breakup and I can just keep ignoring the sadness, keep reading and listening to podcasts and just keep living. or if I need to properly deal with all this to like... move on and stuff. if I decide to just give in and cry and cry... will it be worth it? will I feel better after?
Katie says: I think so, I think it's generally not a good idea to suppress bad feelings
but it's a personal thing. everyone has a different way of dealing with sadness and loss
so do what feels right for you. but I think if you feel like crying, don't stop yourself cause your scared of going through the pain, because that way you can get it out of your system
^emilie anne^: not just of crying cause im crying now but of dealing with everything, like... thinking about it all and remembering
Katie says: hmm I'm not sure about that... it's so painful to relive it all knowing that it's over... today I could not stop thinking about every moment with -man
it was ridiculous and driving me crazy. but I feel like I'm gaining perspective on it now... so maybe that's what you have to do by thinking about it. besides it's probably a good way to solidify the happy memories in your mind right?
Ze: emotions. definitely better to let it out.. talk about it to people who've been thru he same thing. you'l comfort eachother. it'll just make you unhappy and biter if you don't, and it all comes out at some point. But when you deal with it make sure you stay positive, focus on the good times you've had as opposed to being sad that it's over. and say to yourself that if you've had a great time here, there's no reason why you can't have more great times in the future in other places, we've got our whole lives still ahead of us and that's exciting. plenty more adventures and experiences to come. that's definitely not to say that you shouldn't keep yourself occupied with reading and activities and stuff to take your mind off of things!! cos you definitely should as well! I mean don't spend all your time reminiscing about lyon and feeling sad and stuff, but you should definitely deal with your emotions, look at the bright sides, the big picture and then move on.
Louise: well to me - it's hard to explain.
it's know with power outlets, how you can add a bar of 5 so there's more appliances?? I feel like I was one of those, and with you i could supply a whole house with a computer, a stereo, a blender, a toaster, a fridge....and now i'm just like....only one power outlet. and i miss all the activity and possibility!
Ok, c'est assez de ca...
Je n'ai pas attent mon "party-induced-coma". Take a look at "Come undone" by Robbie Williams. Its how I felt sometimes during the whole "party 'till I die" thing.
Je me trouve brave de deja pouvoir ecrire ceci, dans le fond c'est que je sais que je ne pourrai sortir mes emotions qu'en les exprimant d'une facon ou d'une autre.
Les choses qui vont le plus me manquer de Lyon sont (ceci risque de faire trop mal pour pouvoir l'ecrire).
Tout. Voila, quoi. Tout. Le funiculaire. Mes amis. Vieux-Lyon. L'absurdite de la facon dont marche la France. Katie. Cobble-stones. Batiment K. Louise. Les soupers collectifs. Alexis. Lani. Jo.
I am crying. and this whole week will be really hard before I can be motivated or happy again
Lyon was home to me.
everyone there was home to me
Katie-pie: I reckon I love you